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Ask the Expert: How Bakkt’s SRE Team Enhances Customer Experience | Bakkt

Written by Bakkt | March 7, 2023

From start to finish, Bakkt’s products are engineered to optimize the ease and simplicity of end-user experience. To deliver a seamless front-end environment that optimizes engagement, our Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) ensure that all the behind-the-scenes details have been meticulously considered. From design to scalability, SRE is crucial to producing solutions that partners love across both loyalty and crypto. We sat down with our former Senior Director, SRE, Jaga Saravanan, to get a behind-the-scenes look at customer experience (CX) enhancements.

Bakkt® Loyalty Solutions powers loyalty commerce across the full range of loyalty currencies and experiences where customers can redeem for:

  • Apple products
  • Merchandise
  • Gift cards
  • Travel plans
  • Event tickets
  • Activities
  • Crypto

However, none of these capabilities would be possible if it weren’t for the careful, strategic work going on in the back-end. Bakkt’s team of Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) have put great effort into creating a Loyalty rewards platform that is highly flexible, easily configurable, and which subscribes to the utmost standards of security. It has been our goal from the start to create a versatile ecosystem in which partners can maintain their own branding and the look and feel of their own website, while taking advantage of all the benefits Bakkt’s software has to offer. Today we’re proud to offer a platform that does just that.  

Our standard-based integrations and scalable systems allow for rapid integration with the customer profiles, points banks, secure payment services, and merchant and supplier APIs—an efficiency that is crucial for the Time to Market (TTM) campaigns driven by our clients. This includes both seasonal holidays as well as promotional campaigns that place high demands on the platform's resilience and performance capabilities. 

Bakkt's security program allows customers to integrate with the Bakkt loyalty platform seamlessly using Single Sign-On (SAML / SSO) that is secured by a Web Application Firewall, which filters traffic to protect from attacks. End-to-end connectivity is secured using SSL*, TLS , MTLSand Secret keystores for in-flight data, and several encryption techniques for data at rest. Our least privilege approach to Role Based Access Control (RBAC), Secrets Management, Network Segmentation Controls, Security Scanning Policy enforcement and Governance are all critical to providing a world-class platform that typically surpasses the performance and security requirements of our customers. 

We have clients that span the globe, and we take pride in providing a fast, reliable rewards experience to all of them, as well as to their customers.  Bakkt’s infrastructure and approach gives customers faster load times, increased reliability, and integrated security. This clears the way for the legitimate traffic requests to deliver stellar performance for all customers accessing our application from any part of the world. 

Bakkt's IT transformation led to the introduction of site reliability engineering. Introducing software engineering principles to manage IT resources and operations resulted in higher customer satisfaction, through service level entities that are defined, monitored, and measured over a period.  Bakkt SRE methodology tied the system metrics to client business objectives defined via Error Budgets, Service Level Indicator (SLI) and Service Level Objective (SLO). Yes, within our SRE team, we have named our 'Dungeon Masters and Players' although we are not Google! The result of this well managed Bakkt SRE program is our stable, reliable, and highly available platform that results in world class client and customer experience.

Want to learn more about how Bakkt can work for your business? Reach out to our team.